Meet Scoring
Swim Meet Scoring
In dual meets, double duals or triple duals, points are award for places as follows:
a. maximum of two entries per team
RELAYS: 6-3-1-0
b. maximum of three entries per team (most high school dual meets)
RELAYS: 8-4-2-0
INDIVIDUALS: 6-4-3-2-1-0
c. maximum of four entries per team
RELAYS: 10-5-3-0
INDIVIDUALS: 8-6-5-4-3-2-1-0
d. only two relay teams may score for each team in each relay event
e. triangular meets: maximum of two entries per team per event
RELAYS: 14-10-8-6-4-2
INDIVIDUALS: 7-5-4-3-2-1
Note: By prior mutual consent, any of the above scoring systems may be used in any dual, double-dual or triple-dual meet.
In championship and other multiple team meet scoring, including triangular meets, individual points are awarded as follows (for all relays, double the points below).
Place Points
1st 20
2nd 17
3rd 16
4th 15
5th 14
6th 13
7th 12
8th 11
9th 9
10th 7
11th 6
12th 5
13th 4
14th 3
15th 2
16th 1